Top 3 Charity Shop Tips

💡Inspired by a wonderful follower request, I’m sharing my top 3 charity shop tips, and my ‘ABC’ secrets on what to look out for when you are looking to be a little more mindful in your purchasing (both financially and environmentally).

⭐️First up around this subject is what to look out for in charity shops:

🧥Coats & Jackets

~ Accessories

Check out the accessory section for a fabulous selection of outfit ‘finishers’ or ‘elevators’ such as necklaces, bracelets, bags, belts, brooches, hats, caps, scarves, sunglasses, and the likes. These are great for adding a little flair to an outfit, for example, a statement colourful necklace will look fabulous with a plain white t~shirt.

~ Basics

Basics are missing from most wardrobes, these are essential pieces that will make your wardrobe work harder for you. Basics will vary from wardrobe to wardrobe, based on your life and style, but in general, these are, camisoles/vest tops, plain & block colour t-shirts, along with layering items such as cardigans & jackets.

~ Coats (and jackets)

It’s always worth a look through coats and jackets, especially ‘off-season’ as quite often stock will be given to the charity shops during this time.  A lot of coats go unloved and unworn and end up brand new, or lightly worn so you could grab yourself a bargain on the right day!


I hope you’ve found the ABC helpful! For more of my Victoria’s Style Secrets be sure you are receiving the VHL Styletter! You can sign up HERE so as not to miss out.

Victoria xo