Kate’s Style Secrets

I was delighted when the Editor of Oxfordshire Living Magazine contacted me for a contribution to their article celebrating our future Queen and if I could add my expert opinion on Kate’s Style Secrets.

How could I refuse? I couldn’t . . . read on . . .

The Duchess of Cambridge’s fashion and styling choices have always been subject to close media scrutiny, after all she is destined to be our future Queen, so whatever Kate wears, she is required to always look appropriate.  Thankfully “appropriate” for Kate’s styling has not meant boring.  This is especially true more latterly with the addition of a new stylist in The Duchesses’ team, wherein my opinion Kate has never looked better! The effortless way of mixing designer one day followed by high-street the next is superbly clever and makes her personal style attainable which enhances Kate’s ‘girl next door’ persona, for example, the outfit choices showcasing the Royal Garden display at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show were genius!

The Duchess is also the Queen of knowing how to rewear her favourite outfits, something we all aspire to achieve successfully. Kate is able to strike the perfect balance of re-wearing her favourites without it being overtly obvious.  There are subtleties in achieving this, wearing her hair a different way, changing up her accessories or changing the style of handbag worn, it could be new footwear (including hosiery choices) or even headwear in some cases. With the rise of the Instagram influencer, you have to ask yourself if the Duchess of Cambridge is really the genuine style influencer we actually all need.

What do you think of Kate’s style secrets?

Be forever you, always


~ The SHero Stylist